Monday, March 29, 2021

Fundraising update

Thank you for your prayer and financial support during this fundraising process. I have now raised around 1/3rd of my fundraising goal ($1,200/mo or $14,4000/yr). You can give here: GIVE - Global Education Ministries. Just select my name (Heather Hall-1033) in the 'referred to GEM by' section. Please pray for God to lead me and humble me in this process. I have been blessed by the conversations and speaking engagements God has given me-- please pray that He would continue to open the right doors and connect me to the right people. Also, pray that these conversations would be glorifying to Him and draw us to worship. Thank you so much for your support as I prepare to leave for Mexico in August!


Week 4

Wow, what a week! Last Sunday, I got back from Puerto Escondido with an injured toe. I went to the doctor twice this week, got my foot wrapp...