Sunday, August 15, 2021

Juquila: Week 1

As of today, I have been in Juquila, Mexico for over a week! Overall, I am so thankful that God has brought me here and surrounded me with such amazing people! Before I came, I was worried about being alone since I'm in an apartment by myself, but since being here, I have been eating "comida" (big meal around 4pm) with a family here and hanging out with them as well as the family that lives in the apartment below mine. I've gotten to play fútbol, volleyball, basketball and rummikub, go shopping in the local "tiendas" for cookware, plates, food, and various things, go to a local church, and visit the homes of local families, all while speaking Spanish. I've gotten to eat Mexican food-- including a cactus and a salsa made with ants and try some Peruvian food as well!

Thank you everyone for your support of this ministry. It's been amazing to witness how God is using the teachers here to reach the local community. They are sharing the Gospel with their neighbors and relying on God for everything. In the midst of poverty and idolatry, the light of Christ is shining and people are coming to know Jesus! School starts on Wednesday, and students come to class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for half of the days.

Please pray:

-that God would anoint us for this ministry and the Holy Spirit would speak and love through us

-that God would speak to our students and that they would respond to His call

-that God would provide for the needs of our school, our families, and our community, especially for the families who are struggling financially

-for a couple people to experience a breakthrough of light, hope, and peace and to find solid friends who can encourage them in the Lord

-for the families that have decided to study the Bible with the staff but have not yet accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior

-for the 5 kids that will be living with the family downstairs during the week to attend our school and for God's guidance as to how I can best serve them 

-for my physical and mental health as I navigate my new life here

A Mototaxi

My Bedroom

Welcome to my Classroom!

My first church service in Juquila!

My first "elote" (street corn) with Sam and Tito

Me and my neighbor, Fé 

The beautiful view

May you experience the peace and presence of Jesus this week!


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