Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Fundraising Update #2


I have now raised over 60% of the funds I need for this year! Thank you to everyone who has supported me through prayer as well as monthly and special financial gifts! You are enabling our ministry to continue sharing the Gospel through quality education that is affordable for local families. I will be sharing with a Sunday School class at Due West United Methodist Church this Sunday (4/11) and with Sanctuary Church the following Sunday (4/18). Please pray for the Holy Spirit's leading as I prepare to speak and that God would speak His Word through me. Also, please pray that God would call the right people to join me as prayer and financial ministry partners in these coming weeks!!
You can contribute financially here: (just put my name - Heather Hall[1033] - in the referred to GEM section). Thanks again for your support and generosity!

Week 4

Wow, what a week! Last Sunday, I got back from Puerto Escondido with an injured toe. I went to the doctor twice this week, got my foot wrapp...