Thursday, May 13, 2021

Fundraising Update!!

Guess what?? Thanks to your generosity and faithful obedience, I have officially reached my fundraising goal of $14,400 for this year!!! Back in March, I didn't think it was possible to reach this goal by May 19th (when training starts), but all things are possible when God is at work!! Even so, I am continuing to seek out monthly partners as I have around 60% of the monthly funding I need to continue ministering in the coming years. Please continue praying that God will keep bringing the right people into my path as I fundraise to support our mission to share the Gospel through quality education that is affordable and accessible to the local community. Thank you for all of your support

Week 4

Wow, what a week! Last Sunday, I got back from Puerto Escondido with an injured toe. I went to the doctor twice this week, got my foot wrapp...