Monday, July 5, 2021

Taylor County Campmeeting

Today, I am driving to Taylor County Camp Meeting, where I will be sharing about the mission with the youth tomorrow. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to speak through me and the others at the camp.
When I worked this camp 2 years ago, I experienced the powerful work of the Holy Spirit who was speaking and drawing us to Jesus. Specifically, the Holy Spirit spoke to one of the girls there and told her to come to me for prayer, and I was able to pray with sincerity and understanding because I had prayed similar prayers for someone in my life. It was a beautiful reminder to me that God had me there for a reason and that He heard our prayers and cared enough to supernaturally bring us together through a shared burden for someone we loved.
There was also a time where I felt moved by the Spirit to speak a message to the group at the end of a service. I share these stories as an encouragement in the faith as you pray-- for this camp, for those you love, for awakening in the church and the world, and for anything else that may seem impossible. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 19:26: "“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”"
Let's not give up in prayer, even when the situation seems impossible. I still have not seen the fruit of the prayers for that person in my life, even though God has given me assurance that He has heard them and has given me glimpses of hope. Keep pressing into God with your whole heart and allow His love to fuel your prayers. He hears us when we cry out to Him, and He "acts on behalf of those who wait for Him" (Psalm 55:17; Isaiah 64:4)!

Week 4

Wow, what a week! Last Sunday, I got back from Puerto Escondido with an injured toe. I went to the doctor twice this week, got my foot wrapp...